Reliable and innovative site access and ground protection are key to getting projects off on the right foot — and the right partner can help you drive sustainability as well.
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When New River Electrical and AEP needed to install new concrete 69kV monopoles and transmission lines in the Ohio and Scioto Rivers’ floodplains, they turned to Sterling’s to create and execute a safe and efficient site access plan that would...
When emergency repairs were needed on levee breaches along the Missouri River, Sterling and TerraLam® CLT mats were uniquely positioned to provide safety, efficiency, and savings to the project’s overall success.
Construction couldn’t begin until there was a safe way to pass over the shallow-buried pipeline. TheTerraCross bridge was engineered solution.
A creative matting plan was needed when saturated grounds and limited access made moving equipment and materials difficult and potentially dangerous. Our site access experts were able to provide an efficient and cost saving plan.
To perform work in native marsh and wet prairie habitat in southern Chicago, ComEd turned to Sterling to provide unique temporary access that minimized damage to this environmentally sensitive area.
A rebuild project passed through several remnant sand prairie habitats, wetlands, and prime farmland that contained a host of protected species requiring minimal environmental disruption, careful planning, and flawless execution to ensure safe and efficient site access.
Replacing 10 miles of powerline in challenging terrain requires extensive planning and flexibility. Our site access experts ensured things went smoothly with 14 miles of mats, proper safety protocols, and more.
After flooding caused a transmission structure to topple, crews relied on more than 2,000 mats — both traditional timber and heavy equipment mats — to repair equipment and get the power flowing.
Local landowners feared their soil would face irreversible damage when transmission circuits needed repair. After laying down 25 miles of right-of-way, the project was finished on schedule —with no harm to the land.
A dramatically less intrusive matting solution enables access to the delicate wetland habitat of the endangered Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly — without significant costs or delays.
When heavy pipeline equipment, protected wetlands and deer hunting season come together, an innovative matting solution keeps the project on track and saves thousands of dollars along the way.
A tornado, a midnight call, and 4,000 mats: how expert access logistics and the right matting products help workers safely prevent a costly nuclear plant shutdown.
How do you keep thousands of mats from floating down the Mississippi River? A cabling solution and water crossing expertise enable safe construction of transmission lines for the Illinois Rivers Project.
Reconstructing a baseball stadium in snowy winter—and finishing by Opening Day—is made possible with smooth, sweepable custom matting that protects the field’s integrity.
Because Sterling has the products, people, and experience ready to respond to any emergent request, ComEd and Ameren restored power within 48 hours and completed the work within 10 days.